TouchCopy - Transfer all iPhone and iPod content to your Computer

TouchCopy - Transfer all iPhone and iPod content to your Computer

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Download touchcopy for windows 10.TouchCopy (64bit) 16.57 


Download touchcopy for windows 10


Print out entire conversations and or filter to only print or save select messages. Any attached media like pictures are also transferred! Note: We respect your privacy. We won't посмотреть еще your Email address with anyone else, or send you spam. You can even transfer your music, playlists and download touchcopy for windows 10 straight to iTunes, including all your song data, your ratings, play counts and album art.

Also transfers Podcasts, Audiobooks and iPhone ringtones. You can transfer photos added to your device using iTunes as well as photos wineows videos shot using your iPod, iPhone and doownload camera. Contacts can be copied to your hard drive as vCard. Export and view calendars stored /12751.txt your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

On Mac, calendars can be copied directly into the iCal app from touchcoy TouchCopy. TouchCopy can be used to access the file storage on your iPhone, iPad or iPod device. This enables you посмотреть еще use your device as a form of portable storage download touchcopy for windows 10 files and folders can be added, copied or deleted.

Access your iPhone call history and copy them to your PC or Mac. Call logs are recorded on your device any time that you make or receive a phone call. These logs also include any Face Download touchcopy for windows 10 and WhatsApp calls. Call logs include the date that the tohchcopy was made and the duration of the wibdows. Transfer Music, Photos, Contacts and More. Free Download. Buy Now. Buy Full Version. Backup iPhone Photos and Videos. Transfer iPhone Contacts. Export iPhone Calendars.

Backup iPhone Call Log History. See it in Action. Softpedia "A simple solution for copying just about anything on your iPod or other iOS device".

CNET Editor "a tocuhcopy app with top-notch performance Download the free trial from the Microsoft App Store



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